了解圣保禄书院的领导团队及校长陈博士. Deidra Peaslee. 我们的领导班子包括学院领导班子、内阁和行政内阁. 每个小组都致力于满足学习者、教师和工作人员的需求. 

mg电子试玩app在包括教员共同治理在内的共同治理体系下运作, Student Senate, and college committees. 皮斯利校长接受总统咨询委员会的指导,以确保在决策过程中听取所有人的意见.

Meet our president

Deidra Peaslee, EdD

Deidra (Dee Dee) Peaslee校长是一位创新的领导者,在社区学院的高等教育领导方面拥有丰富的经验, public and private universities, as well as non-profit organizations. 她自2019年7月起担任mg电子试玩app院长, 也是学院114年历史上的第一位女校长.  

Under her leadership, Saint Paul College was fully reaccredited by the Higher Learning Commission; has committed to becoming an anti-racist and trauma-informed; and has redeveloped its mission, 愿景, 并以价值观体现其以学生为本的校园文化和社会正义基础.  在加入mg电子试玩app之前,Peaslee在Anoka-Ramsey社区学院服务了17年. In addition to her experience in the Minnesota state system, she was the assistant dean for the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business at DePaul University; a career planning specialist for ACT, 公司, 也是南达科他州立大学的临时安置主任.

By 2028, mg电子试玩app(Saint Paul College)将有1500多名有色人种学生从学术课程毕业,这些学生将找到能维持家庭生计的工作.


总统 Peaslee’s 愿景 for implementing our current strategic plan《mg电子试玩app》聚焦于促进学生成功的两条关键途径. 首先是通过扩大和加强与四年制大学的伙伴关系,促进转学, 确保学生顺利获得学士学位.

第二条途径是到2028年显著增加mg电子试玩app毕业的有色人种学生人数, 达到1500名直接导致高需求项目的毕业生, well-paying careers. 这些途径反映了皮斯利总统对公平和经济赋权的坚定承诺, 确保mg电子试玩app在为学生和更广泛的社区创造一个更加公正和繁荣的未来方面发挥关键作用.

总统 Peaslee and Stakeholder at event
总统 Peaslee Speaking at an event at Saint Paul College

In Her Own words

“作为一名领导者,我的哲学植根于合作和尊重. 我坚信,通过共同努力,重视每一个角度, we can create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment. 多样性, 股本, and inclusion are at the core of my leadership style, 我致力于确保每个学生都感到被关注, 听到, 他们在mg电子试玩app的学习过程中受到重视和支持.”

Executive 内阁

行政内阁作为一个战略领导团队,促进各部门之间的协调,并监督机构使命的成功实施, strategic plan, 和目标.

名字 部门 联系
Deidra Peaslee

Deidra Peaslee



Administration / 领导 Team, 内阁, 总统s Office



Vice 总统 of Finance & 操作


Administration / 领导 Team, Business Office, 内阁, 设施, Finance and 操作, Public Safety

温迪 Roberson

温迪 Roberson

Vice 总统 of 多样性, Equity & 包容


Administration / 领导 Team, 内阁, 多样性, Equity and 包容, Human 资源, Student Affairs, Student Rights and Responsibilities

Sarah Carrico

Sarah Carrico

Associate Vice 总统 of Academic Affairs


Academic Affairs, Academic Effectiveness and Innovation, Academic Support, Administration / 领导 Team, Student Affairs


内阁 serves as a vital consulting body, 提供战略指导和专业知识,以塑造我们机构的发展轨迹. 从指导教育项目的学术院长到监督行政和学生支持服务的非学术院长, 每位内阁成员都在mg电子试玩app的发展中发挥着关键作用.

名字 部门 联系
Enyinda Onunwor

Enyinda Onunwor

Dean of STEM





Executive Director of Marketing



College 领导 Team

Comprising all supervisors at the college, this dynamic team is dedicated to purposeful planning, 评估, and the implementation of strategic and operational goals.

名字 部门 联系

Mark Kjellman

Director of Academic Support


Academic Affairs, Academic Support, Academic Support Centers, Access and Disability 资源, Administration / 领导 Team, Student Affairs

Shared Governance

In addition to our formal leadership structures, mg电子试玩app在一个共享的管理系统下运作. This includes Faculty Shared Governance, Student Senate, and various college committees, 确保在决策过程中听取和考虑所有的声音.

皮斯利总统还接受总统咨询委员会的指导, 进一步丰富我们在领导和治理方面的合作方式.